Overview of Development Opportunities

As the Designated Developer for the overall Greylock Glen Resort project, the Town of Adams has executed a 99-Year Master Lease with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the underlying owner of the Greylock Glen property.
Outdoor Center Front Elevation
Outdoor Center Front Elevation

In April 2004, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) adopted the Amended Master Plan for Greylock Glen, which established general land uses and development intensities for the Greylock Glen site. The 2004 Amended Master Plan significantly scaled back the size and scale of development on the site from previous development plans. Several previous proposed projects at Greylock Glen were strongly opposed due to their development intensity; some were also negatively impacted by unfortunate timing with regard to national economic downturns.

Since its designation in 2006 as Master Developer, the Town of Adams has worked with DCR on design and permitting of the proposed $50 million Greylock Glen Resort, completing all anticipated wetlands permitting, local zoning approvals, and the review process under the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA). The first phase of utility improvements to serve the entire resort project was installed between 2013 – 2015, and the 99-year lease was signed in October of 2014. At the request of the Town of Adams, legislation placing more than 1,000 acres under Article 97 (permanent protection as conservation lands) was adopted in 2015.

Development Phasing and Implementation

Development of the Greylock Glen Resort will be phased. The initial phase of a multi-use trail system within the Glen is well underway. Design and permitting of the system are complete, and multiple trails have been constructed or improved. The network includes the popular 1.7-mile Glen Meadow Loop Trail, which features compacted surfaces and will soon incorporate interpretive signage.

In 2022, construction began on the Outdoor Center, and a developer was selected for the Campground. In 2024/25, final plans and required approvals for the campground component will be solidified. RFPs for environmental education and cafe service providers were conducted in 2023 and 2024. Interested parties for future phases and components of the project are encouraged to contact the Town with an expression of interest. Many components of the project may be advanced simultaneously, with participation from a variety of qualified partners.

Currently, the Resort’s phased development is expected to occur in the following order:

  • Multi-use trail system – design and construction ongoing, with many trails complete and well mapped. Additional wayfinding and interpretive signage are planned.
  • Outdoor Center – construction and identification of sub-lease partnerships for café, education, and retail components (construction complete, building opened October 2024)
  • Four Season Campground – planning underway, permitting and construction pending.
  • Thunderbolt Lodge and Conference Center – developer solicitation/identification pending, construction to follow. Expectations for Lodge amenities are detailed in the Resort Master Plan.
  • Amphitheater and Environmental Art Garden – these amenities will greatly enhance the user experience at Greylock Glen Resort and will benefit patrons of our overnight lodging facilities as well as other visitors to the Berkshires and residents of the region.

To learn more about development plans or express your interest as a potential partner, please use our Contact page.

How to Inquire

To request more information or to express interest in development and business opportunities at Greylock Glen Resort, please contact the Town of Adams, Town Administrator’s Office by using this Contact Form. Thank you for your interest.


Photos courtesy of Sandy McNay ©