Greylock Glen Master Plan

Of the 1,063-acre property, approximately 1,000 acres (94%) of the site will be designated as conservation lands. The development concept for the remaining acreage – less than 50 acres – ensures that Greylock Glen is maintained as a unique and important environment, with development phased over time.

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Master Plan

Greylock Glen is a special place that has experienced great change over the past century. The Glen offers a variety of natural habitats that can be the basis for a wide range of environmental programming for adults, children, and families together. Moreover, the proximity of the Glen to the numerous cultural and academic institutions throughout western Massachusetts provides outstanding opportunities for educational partnerships and collaborations using Greylock Glen and surrounding natural areas as exemplary outdoor classrooms.

The planned building program at Greylock Glen Resort embodies a “less is more” philosophy, with multiple uses combined within single structures where possible to reduce the impact of development on the natural landscape. The Town’s Master Plan has the least amount of impact compared with any previously proposed developments of the Glen.

Goals of the Master Plan

  • Provide high quality, sustainable recreational opportunities.
  • Generate economic benefits to Adams and the northern Berkshires.
  • Cultivate environmental education opportunities and a sense of responsible stewardship.
  • Maintain and enhance the natural systems of the Glen and protect the unique qualities of the adjacent Mount Greylock State Reservation.

The Master Plan includes protection of wetlands and rare and endangered species, general utility locations, stormwater management plans, erosion and sediment control, general site work and grading, road improvements, parking and circulation, design and location of trail segments within the Development Area, conceptional building footprints, and siting of recreational improvements and other facilities as proposed in the Town’s development concept.

Greylock Glen Resort's Six Major Components

  • Multi-Use Trail System (open)
  • Outdoor Center (opened October 2024)
  • Four Season Campground
  • Thunderbolt Lodge & Conference Center
  • Performing Arts Amphitheater
  • Environmental Art Garden

Collectively, these components provide a unique and complementary set of uses that expand outdoor recreational opportunities for the public while protecting in perpetuity all but a small portion of the Greylock Glen site as conservation lands. More information about each component can be found here.